A telethon to raise funds against deforestation. Denmark Plant Trees, a television program during which they raised funds to plant trees, was broadcast in Denmark on TV2. Thanks to donations from individuals and companies, the event ended with a total of 2.67 million dollars collected, around 2 and a half million euros, enough to plant 914,233 trees.
The show, a sort of Telethon for the environment, was broadcast last September 14th and was a real success. The event was broadcast live in the forest of Gisselfeld Klosters Skove in the adventure park Camp Adventure, not far from Copenhagen, and organized by the Danish Society for Nature Conservation and the Growing Trees Network Foundation.
Many guests werw intervened during the show that aimed to collect 20 million Danish crowns (just under 3 million dollars) to plant 1 million trees. The organizers are very satisfied about the amount collected.
“It’s the first time that a charity show focuses on climate issues on TV, it’s very exciting,” said Kim Nielsen, founder of the Growing Trees Network Foundation. It’s a positive way to inspire people by showing them how to make a difference, with a small act to tackle the climate crisis. “
It is still possible to reach the target set by the organizers. You can a make donations on the site of the Growing Trees Network Foundation.
The idea is not new in its kind. The BC Parks Foundation in British Columbia, Canada, also organized a similar event. On that occasion, $ 3 million was raised by the public to buy nearly 2,000 acres of forest and protect it from logging.
Praiseworthy initiatives that are the litmus test of a population that is increasingly attentive to issues related to the environment and sustainability, and that promise to spread soon to other countries.