Agriculture, digital solutions to make fields more fertile

Basf presents xarvio Digital Farming Solutions and xarvio Healthy Fields to protect crops and make them more efficient


Agriculture is facing major global challenges. In some regions, the demand for food and feed is growing rapidly, while in others the production conditions are not satisfactory. In Germany and other European countries, sustainability and transparency are in the spotlight. To meet these challenges, Basf Agricultural Solutions has launched innovative solutions capable of making the fields more efficient and the business more profitable, consuming less environmental resources.

Basf has taken over an application called Xarvio Digital Farming Solutions that “makes it possible to produce more efficiently and sustainably”, promises Tobias Menne, Global head of digital farminig of Basf Agricultural Solutions. The solution can become a very useful work tool for the protagonists of the agricultural industry.

Xarvio Field Manager is the pro version of the application and allows you to computerize the management of your field. The sensors monitor the health of the soil, recommend times and quantities for fertilizers. Xarvio Scouting, on the other hand, is the free version: in Italy it has been downloaded on over 45 thousand devices and has the ability to recognize the health of a plant thanks to the scanning of a single leaf.

“The goal – reveals Konstantin Kretschun, Digital officer Emea & Cis Agricultural Solutions – is to arrive at fully automated production. Farmers already use different digital tools, we want to integrate these tools and increase the efficiency in the management thanks to the analysis of the collected data “. The system learns over time, corrects errors and “gives the best advice to farmers – emphasizes Kretschun – because it does not only recommend Basf products, but fishes among all the possible solutions on the whole market”.

In 2020 a new version of the program – Healthy Field – will be launched, which will allow farmers to obtain daily advice thanks to continuous data analysis and to limit the use of agrochemicals to the sole of soil that needs protection, thanks to the continuous scan meter-after-meter of the ground.

Xarvio also works intensively on solutions that can contribute to more sustainable production, including measurement and classification of stress induced exogenous factors on plants, automatic compliance with buffer strips and registration of biodiversity within and outside of arable land.

The solution is at the forefront of the digital transformation of agriculture thanks to the optimization of crop production. It offers digital products that, based on a global platform of guidance models, provide specific independent agronomic advice on a portion of land to allow farmers to produce crops in the most efficient and sustainable way. The xarvio Scouting and Field Manager products are currently used by farmers in over 100 countries worldwide.

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