Plastic-free bottles and recycling: 10 green choices for Europeans traveling

Sustainability and respect for the environment will influence the choices of tourism for 2020. The bookingkit survey tells the latest trends in a sector in step with current affairs


Europeans will be more attentive to the environment and sustainability during their holidays . This was revealed by the survey developed by bookingkit, a leading company in Europe for the offer of tour booking software and activities on the web. In particular, italians show that they are very involved in the current issue of environmental change. So much so that we are already thinking about what sustainable choices to make during the next holidays. There are those who will equip themselves with the now inevitable plastic-free bottle, those who will focus on e-mobility and “greener” transport, and those who, even abroad, will take the opportunity to “sort” their waste: all valid solutions to offer your contribution. To reveal the “best practice” are the results of the research.

The Top Ten of eco-friendly choices

1. Plastic-free bottle – Symbol of the struggle for ecological sustainability, but also a trendy design object. So much to make its appearance even in the catwalks of famous fashion brands and luxury brands. The bottle will be one of the accessories on which Italians will rely most (63%) to reduce the consumption of plastic – with the notorious “disposable” bottles – in these eco-friendly holidays.

2. Zero waste – How many travelers before their departure fill their pockets and suitcases with sheets and sheets (airline tickets, hotel reservations, etc.) that risk being lost at all times? Still many, but in the future it will no longer be this way: six out of ten Italians (60%) will download an app for the storage of digital tickets, with consequent savings in paper and even hassle.

3. Recycling – Sorting has become such a common habit in our country that half of Italians are thinking of doing the same even on vacation. Obviously, in order for this useful practice to be effective, it will be necessary to find out in advance what the correct rules are to be followed in the place chosen as the final destination of the trip.

4. KM 0 products – In a country like Italy, where the quality of the food brought to the table is so important for consumers, nothing less could have been expected: 42% of the respondents in the survey carried out by bookingkit has revealed that in the next trips abroad it will try to buy especially at KM 0. A way to rely on the recognized quality of the short chain and, at the same time, reward the commitment of local producers.

5. Sustainable mobility – Bicycle rental, car sharing and trust in e-mobility. Four out of ten Italians (40%) say that this year they will willingly rely on more eco-sustainable modes of transport for their travel journeys than in past experiences. The problem of climate change is a very topical issue and many tourists today opt for more eco-friendly and aware choices.

6. Nature and culture – Similar is the percentage (38%) of those who will choose a “slow travel” holiday this year. To enrich the trip a wide choice of cultural experiences such as visits to museums, archaeological settlements, natural parks and pristine areas far from traditional tourist routes.

7. Traveling informed – Preparation before leaving for a trip is a fundamental moment: knowing culture, traditions and local economy allows the traveler to integrate better with the people of the area, to respect the places and to fully live the experience of travel. That’s why 31% of the interviewees are increasingly willing to get better information. Your favorite resources? Tourist guides, specialized websites and travel blogs on the internet.

8. Low impact housing – Large hotels, hostels, online housing but not only. One in three travelers among those interviewed by bookingkit is considering an eco-sustainable choice for the residence of the next holidays. Many, therefore, will look for homes with low environmental impact, where perhaps to recover a more authentic and personal dimension of travel.

9. Tour operator option – Organized travel? Better not. The Italians show that they prefer holidays designed in complete autonomy: only 13% of people, in fact, have admitted that for future travel they will rely on tour operators who organize “ethical” and sustainable travel.

10. No eco-friendly – There are also those who have no intention of adhering to new trends and have no intention of changing their habits to help the environment. There are now few, indeed very few (only two out of a hundred Italians), to make this claim, but their opinion shows that the problem of climate change does not yet involve everyone with the same urgency.

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