Coronavirus and skin care: how to prepare DIY scrubs and face masks

Staying at home is not an excuse tolet yourself go but an opportunity to take care of our skin. Let's see how to make scrubs and face masks with natural ingredients available in our pantry


Smooth, radiant and healthy-looking skin is what every woman wants. Even in this particular period in which, due to coronavirus, we cannot go to the beautician, it is important to continue taking care of our skin, especially that of the face. In this article we see how to make exfoliating scrubs and DIY face masks with what we have at home.

The skin is the first target of aggression from external agents, a shield on which wind, cold, heat, sunlight and pollution are fierce, especially for those who live and walk in large cities. Taking care of the face, before aging dictates its inflexible rules, can help the skin not fight alone. And then the mood is also reflected in the face, which in the long run leave their mark. A few daily habits are enough to help the skin breathe and stay healthy.

Before treating the face it is important to understand what our skin type is in order to choose the most suitable product. According to the most common classification, the skin can be:

  • Normal, if it has no particular problems or sensitivity and is homogeneous and compact
  • Dry, as dehydrated or poorly producing sebum: it will therefore be fragile, chapped, delicate
  • Oily due to an excess of sebum and therefore oily and shiny,
  • Sensitive, prone to rashes and reddens easily
  • Mixed, i.e. fat on the forehead, nose and chin and dry on the cheeks and near the eyes.

FACIAL CLEANING – Facial cleaning is essential to remove the state of dead cells which, once removed, will allow the active ingredients of the fruit to be absorbed more quickly and above all our face will be brighter. You can start from a simple base made of lemon and sugar (better than cane which has a larger particle size than that of refined beet in common use). I do not recommend using lemon and salt as often suggested as cooking salt could generate redness and dryness of the skin.

Once the lemon and sugar base has the consistency of a baby food, let’s add the active ingredients suitable for our skin type: sweet almond oil or honey to hydrate dry skin; cocoa or coffee for their astringent function for dilated pores. The only recommended attention is not to expose yourself to the sun after this cleaning treatment as lemon is photosensitizing and could stain the skin. Alternatively, to maintain acidity, lemon can be replaced with white yogurt.

Having prepared our do-it-yourself cosmetic for cleaning, we apply it with light circular massages on the face, taking care not to come into contact with the eyes. After this exfoliating application, rinse your face thoroughly with slightly warm water.

After cleaning, we can prepare a face mask to apply and keep it on for a few minutes. This product must be more specific than the previous one for our skin type.

NORMAL SKIN FACE MASK – For nominal skin we can provide a relaxing and decongestant chamomile mask. Using chamomile filters in our pantry at the rate of one for every 100 milliliters of water we prepare in our infusion and let it cool. When it has cooled, add a tablespoon of flour in the measure of one for every 100 milliliters of infusion (if not very thick, add more flour). We spread the mask just ready on the face and leave it on for about 15 minutes then rinse with slightly lukewarm water.

DRY SKIN FACE MASK – For dry and chapped skin we will use a banana mask. In the blender we put a banana a teaspoonful of honey and a teaspoonful of yogurt and whisk until a creamy and thick mixture is obtained (in the event that it is excessively liquid add another half banana). We spread the mask just ready on the face and leave it on for about 15 minutes then rinse with slightly lukewarm water.

OILY SKIN FACE MASK – For oily and oily skin we can prepare a kiwi mask. In the blender, put a kiwi and two teaspoons of yogurt and whisk until a creamy and dense mixture is obtained (in the event that it is excessively liquid, add another half of the kiwi). We spread the mask just ready on the face and leave it on for about 15 minutes then rinse with slightly lukewarm water.

SENSITIVE SKIN FACE MASK – For sensitive skin, which reddens easily and tends to couperose, we will use a strawberry mask. In a cup we put a spoonful of honey and 5 strawberries washed and crushed for good and mix everything with a spoon. We spread the mask just ready on the face and leave it on for about 15 minutes then rinse with slightly lukewarm water.

MIXED SKIN FACE MASK – For mixed skin and enlarged pores in the T zone there is a natural remedy that can be prepared at home. We mix a little spoonful of baking powder to an egg yolk and apply the mixture on the whole face, paying particular attention to the T zone. Leave on for 15 minutes then rinse with fresh water.

When we prepare cosmetics at home we always remember that they must be used immediately as it has not been preserved and over time it could develop pathogenic bacteria and germs even in the fridge. We also remind you that before applying the masks, the skin must be clean and therefore it is highly recommended to first make a light scrub and we pay particular attention not to let the product come into contact with the eyes.

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