Holidays in Piedmont for a few days can be organized thanks to the valuable support offered by local authorities to lovers of ecotourism. The emerging Piemontescape Piemontescape platform presents tourists, residents and anyone who wants to venture into the varied landscapes of the region with a wide range of destinations suitable for hiking and cycling.
The platform is made up of three sections relating to the territory and the itineraries. The first, called Territory, is made up of seven regional areas whose landscape features, protected areas and natural parks present and the peculiarities of some urban centers are highlighted. The particular territorial vocations towards trekking, cycling, bird watching and other outdoor activities are also highlighted. There is no lack of information relating to food and wine or the historical and architectural beauties that characterize the area.
The second section, under the name Cicloturismo, indicates a large series of itineraries to be covered by bike. Each summary sheet contains the kilometric indications of the itinerary, the difficulty of the route and the type of suitable bike (road, city or mountain-bike). By uploading the single itinerary you can discover more detailed information about the area crossed, the physical characteristics of the route and the points of interest; the itinerary is carefully and carefully marked, with precise indications on the roads to be traveled and on the various stages.
The Hiking section offers a well-stocked collection of itineraries, the mileage indications, the difficulty of the route, the journey times and the altitude difference are highlighted. To these is added a section dedicated to Hospitality and services; the latter collects in various subsections the data sheets referring to agritourisms, b&b, museums, hotels, campsites and refuges, guides and companions and more.
The tourist is expertly accompanied in the knowledge of the area and in the selection of the itineraries most suited to their interests and needs; in addition, in a single platform the user can find answers to many of the possible requests, without having to contact different services or having the need to surf the net in desperate search for the right organizational combinations for their trip.
The platform seems to be a real invitation for users towards slow and sustainable tourism; the attention to territorial specificities, the information on the historical-architectural and naturalistic heritage and the care for the local food and wine and craft culture make it a well-kept and intelligent repertoire for regional promotion and enhancement. The tourist will be able to taste the sweet experiences of the trip and the emotions that await him already in the organizational phase of the route, while reading the information system of the itineraries and observing the images chosen to accompany the various pages.
A fresh and innovative project that could also become a reference for other regions; organizing an outdoor trip becomes a less complicated and confusing and, above all, more conscious operation. Tourism in the region, affected like the whole national territory by the Covid-19 emergency, will only benefit significantly.