Re-launching the car market and favoring the transition to hybrid or electric, reducing polluting emissions: this is the objective of the Italian government which, with the relaunch decree, has put 70 million euros on the balance to encourage the purchase of ecological vehicles with low environmental impact.
The bonus starts from August 1 also for the purchase of cars with traditional euro 6 engines but it will be the electric and hybrid cars that will have the greatest incentives, which can reach up to 10 thousand euros in case of scrapping of the old car.
The 2020 auto incentive mechanism introduced in the Relaunch Decree follows that of last year but with important innovations. In addition to the hybrid and electric models, with incentives of up to 10,000 euros in case of scrapping, the Government has decided to add new bonuses also for Euro 6 cars, for a total of 3,500 euros: 2,000 euros from the dealer and 1,500 from the state in case of scrapping a car with at least 10 years. The bonus is granted for cars with CO2 emissions between 61 and 110 g / km and with a maximum price of 40,000 euros net of VAT. Without scrapping, the incentive drops to 1,750 euros.
The new package is added to the Ecobonus, which now for cars with CO2 emissions of less than 20 g / km reaches up to € 10,000 in the event of scrapping, adding € 4,000 to the € 6,000 already foreseen. In the face of these incentives, the government has also provided for an eco-tax to discourage the purchase of polluting cars.
Purchases made from August 1 to December 31, 2020 for new cars with maximum list prices of € 61,000 including VAT (€ 50,000 excluding VAT) will be financed. The incentives also concern Euro 0, 1, 2, and 3 vehicles for which an eco-bonus ranging from € 6,000 to € 2,500 is envisaged, but it is important to remember that the maximum spending limit for the purchase of € 61,000.
Those who have to change the car can think of doing it by taking advantage of these incentives, winking at the hybrid and electric car market. As mentioned, the government’s intent is to encourage the circulation of cars capable of emitting lower CO2 values, with an advantage for the environment and air quality especially in large cities.