We only have 7 years to save the planet: let’s not waste them

The fourth issue of the SmartGreen Post magazine is online


A little over seven years. That’s what we have left to stop climate change and reduce CO2 emissions before it reaches a point of no return.

Saving the planet is a duty of each of us, no one excluded. Taking to the streets, protesting, organizing conferences after conferences are very important actions to raise awareness among public opinion and individual citizens. But they are not enough.
In this crazy summer that has just passed, we have witnessed extreme weather events, fires that have devastated central-southern Italy, floods and floods that have caused extensive damage, especially in the northern regions. Glaciers continue to melt at alarming rates as the sea level, whose bottoms are covered with plastic, continues to rise. How does all this sum up? In two words: climate change.

Those who still persist in denying the evidence, pointing the finger only at the mismanagement of public affairs, poor maintenance and the malicious hand of man (all contributing causes that should not be underestimated), risk losing sight of the real reason behind it. recent environmental disasters, more or less natural.

But there is more. The Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown, which at first appeared as a detoxifying cure for planet Earth, instead risk bringing us back, nullifying part of the sacrifices made so far and moving us away from the goals set for 2030 and 2050.
The most recent data, in fact, say that air pollution did not stop during the months of quarantine; that yes, the nitrogen dioxide levels have dropped but the concentrations of fine particles in our cities have not decreased. What to do then?

In the fourth issue of the SmartGreen Post magazine you will find a series of solutions that help us reverse the course of the problem analysis. The first and simplest are those to be put into practice every day in our quality: reduce the consumption of meat in order to cut emissions produced by intensive farming and to preserve the welfare of animals; buy products from organic farming, both food and cosmetic; invest no longer in petrol cars but in electric and hybrid cars; entrust their savings to financial institutions offering sustainable investments; make a correct separate collection.

Small gestures that, if carried out daily by all of us, have a great ideological and practical value. Simple actions that will allow us not to waste the seven years we have left to save the planet. Our only home.


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