Bullfighting will not be a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Unesco says no to the request to transform bullfighting into a World Heritage Site, a tradition considered violent for animals

© Marko Obrvan on Pexles

The bullfight will not be “Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”. Victory for the animal welfare organizations that welcomed with great enthusiasm the latest decision of the office of the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO, which officially excluded the bullfight from the list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. A tough battle fielded by as many as 985 organizations spread all over the world that have constantly supported and carried out the #NOTauromaquiaEnUnesco campaign.

The campaign, launched by the platform La Tortura No Es Cultura (LTNEC) and Animal Guardians together with the organization Gladiadores por la Paz and AACME, has been joined by many associations around the world, including the ENPA.

The aim was also to prevent the bullfight from receiving a series of subsidies and aid, after the two requests made by the sector due to the emergency situation caused by COVID. A situation that has also had economic repercussions on this practice.

An ancient practice, but for some time opposed by the many animal rights associations that are committed to the health of bulls. The campaign against the request started immediately, giving rise to a real “Twitter storm”.

“The sign that, by joining forces, and rowing everyone in the same direction, it is possible to imagine and direct ourselves towards a better society, where ethics and rights, of all including animals, are not just words, beautiful, noble and important but, rather, inspiration for concrete actions, new habits and daily gestures ”, reads the Enpa website.

As the association reports, bullfighting cannot be considered a World Heritage Site. Decision received after the double request had landed on the table of the Unesco Committee. A discussion postponed and then definitively rejected in October. The hashtag #NoTauromaquiaEnUnesco was fundamental, which traveled around the world, a campaign to which Enpa joined with passion.

A victory that satisfies the associations that took part in the social storm, a useful need to protect future generations from the violence of bullfighting, a barbaric practice that offends the dignity and health of bulls. Thanks to the growing sensitivity of the public, in the last ten years the turnover has dropped dramatically, a condition now aggravated by the pandemic.

Heavy percentages that hit this sector and the practice still very popular in some areas of the world, such as Spain. The animal welfare associations declare themselves satisfied with the result and continue to fight so that this bullfighting show will soon be definitively abolished and canceled.

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