Reduce, recycle, reuse: this is the motto of the circular economy, which aims to reduce waste by transforming it into new resources. Doing separate collection is the first step to take and, when it comes to separating materials, for years now a precious tool has come to our aid: SmartRicicla, the application that helps to correctly dispose of waste according to the collection calendar of your own. common.
SmartRicicla is one of the main Italian companies that invest in a green future and a sustainable economy, promoting good corporate and social practices to protect the environment. This commitment was recognized through the inclusion of SmartRicicla in the Italian Atlas of Circular Economy, an interactive web platform that records and recounts the experiences of economic and associative realities committed to applying the principles of the circular economy in Italy.
The Atlas aims to be a tool for raising awareness, information and documentation aimed at all those who care about the balance between economy and ecology and who wish to orient their consumption in a responsible way.
SmartRicicla has been included in the Atlas thanks to the free service it offers to citizens, providing them with a simple and intuitive app for separate collection, which guides them to the correct disposal of waste. The main features of the app include the ability to consult the various types of waste divided by categories and the weekly collection calendar of the individual municipalities. In addition, it is possible to view the map of the collection points, the waste delivery notes and the news of the municipality, the dictionary of recycling symbols and the waste specialist.
SmartRicicla is designed both for citizens, who can easily consult the categories of waste and the weekly collection calendar, and for municipalities that, through technology, are able to offer a constantly updated service to their inhabitants. In fact, the news of the municipal administration, the map of the ecological islands and the waste disposal notes are also present.
More than 1,500 municipalities have already been entered, for a total of thousands of users on the Italian territory. SmartRicicla not only looks to Italy but also abroad, and has already been launched in an experimental phase in several countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and Canada. The application is available for free download on Google Play.
In addition to the collection calendar, the app offers another very useful service, namely the division of waste by type, with a list of all the products that can be given in a certain category and those that are not part of it.