Where do I throw the Easter egg wrapper?

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The chocolate egg is one of the symbols of Easter, the feast of rebirth and, in a broader sense, of the new life that materials can acquire with recycling and, therefore, with proper separate collection. For this reason, once all the chocolate has been eaten, it is necessary to separate the various waste according to the materials that compose them and place them in the appropriate bins, as SmartRicicla teaches us.

Where to throw the Easter egg card?

Don’t be fooled by the name. What we commonly call “paper” is in fact metallized plastic made of propylene and, as such, it must be thrown into the plastic bin, as well as the plastic cup on which the eggs are commonly placed.

Unlike the case of eggs wrapped in aluminum or fabric wrappers, which must be placed respectively in the metal container together with the aluminum and steel packaging and in the undifferentiated container.

Even the ribbons used to close the package must be thrown in the undifferentiated while the cardboard with the brand and the list of ingredients must be thrown into the paper container.

And the surprise? Let’s face it, many times the little things we find in Easter eggs are ugly and useless, so if we really can’t use them in any way, their destiny is the bin of the undifferentiated.

Recycle the chocolate egg paper in a creative way

The best waste is the one that is not produced, so before you get rid of the Easter egg wrapper, think about all the constructive and creative uses you can make of it. Here are some suggestions:

  • Covers for books and notebooks – An idea for recycling Easter egg paper is to transform the material into a colorful cover for books and notebooks. For the processing you need scissors and glue, to cut the paper of the shape and size of the chosen book: you will avoid it from being damaged and, at the same time, you will have found a way to customize their school texts in an original and low cost way. .
  • Bookmarks – Leftover cutouts can be turned into bookmarks by gluing the colored strips to stiff card stock to finish the job and make the enclosed stories even more fun.
  • Drawer lining – Use the Easter egg wrapping to line the drawers in which to store sweaters and clothes: a way to decorate the interior of the furniture, especially if old, and prevent them from being damaged if new.
  • In the garden – The sparkling Easter egg casings can become scarecrows to protect your vegetable garden from the incursion of birds. Alternatively, you can use them to line plant pots.

Gift baskets and packages: what to do with them?

At Easter it is also customary to give baskets containing various products placed on the straw. The latter is usually made of plastic and as such must be thrown into the corresponding bin. If it is made of natural material, however, it goes organic. As for the wicker baskets, if you cannot reuse them at home or in the garden, you can give them to the ecological island or to separate wood collection.

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