ENEA and Shell Energy together for the hydrogen supply chain

Agreement signed to contribute to Italy's energy transition by decarbonising energy-intensive companies

© APAC Hydrogen Association

ENEA and Shell Energy Italia have signed a three-year collaboration agreement for the research and development of innovative technologies in the field of hydrogen, with a particular focus on the decarbonisation of energy-intensive sectors. The aim is to create sustainable energy solutions and promote the conversion of industrial processes to hydrogen, particularly green hydrogen, to support the country’s energy transition. The agreement provides for the creation of specific working groups for research activities, joint feasibility studies and analysis of energy-intensive industrial plants in the steel, cement, glass, ceramics, paper and aluminium sectors.

The agreement between ENEA and Shell Energy Italia also covers innovative and technologically advanced solutions for increasing the production of ‘green’ hydrogen through integrated water electrolysis projects powered by renewable solar energy generation, hydrogen storage processes and use in gas distribution networks.

“This agreement with Shell Energy Italia will allow us to develop innovative technologies and solutions with a major international partner in hydrogen production projects in Europe and in the decarbonisation of large industrial customers in Italy. The systematic use of green hydrogen is strategic for reducing environmental impact and achieving the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreements, the Green Deal and the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan,” commented Giorgio Graditi, Director of ENEA’s Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources. “The development of a national supply chain in this sector also has important implications for supporting the birth and growth of a hydrogen ecosystem in our country and within the Mediterranean basin.

“The strategic partnership with a major player such as ENEA is a concrete expression of Shell’s willingness and commitment to support the transformation of the energy system towards low carbon technologies,” said Massimiliano Mannino, Chairman of Shell Energy Italia. “We are convinced that ENEA’s many years of experience and our knowledge of the market, gained by supplying gas and electricity to more than 500 large commercial and industrial customers, can be used to launch innovative and sustainable solutions for the energy transition, as well as to promote a structural change in final energy consumption”.

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