Summer still seems far away but there is only a few months left to the dress rehearsal and, to get fit in June when we discover the legs, it is advisable to start preparing now by combining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and use of targeted products to find the lost silhouette.
Playing in advance brings numerous physical and psychological benefits because it makes us avoid the stress of having to recover in the last weeks before the holidays. One of the factors that generally causes us the most anxiety when we think of the dress rehearsal is the weight, or rather the imperfections of cellulite.
The first step to reducing the unpleasant orange peel effect is to take care of nutrition, preferring foods that help drain excess liquids. We try to limit the consumption of foods too rich in fats and sugars (cured meats, sweets, fried foods, fizzy drinks and alcohol); to season our dishes, we prefer spices and aromatic herbs to salt; we use butter and oil in moderation; we always choose cooked vegetables, preferably steamed, rather than raw vegetables, which contain mineral salts and promote water retention. White meat should be preferred to red meat. Green light for eggs, rich in protein, lentils, rich in iron, and fish that contains fatty acids.
We can safely continue to eat both rice and pasta, preferably wholemeal for the sense of satiety they give. Fruit must never be missing because it contains both vitamin C and vitamin P. Water, another fundamental element that we absolutely must not do without, must be natural and we must drink as much as possible to promote diuresis; we can also associate green tea and purifying herbal teas, but in moderation if we suffer from low blood pressure.
Clothing is another factor to pay attention to if we want to continue our path towards summer wellness, trying not to stress the legs with too tight trousers because they do not favor microcirculation, especially in the lower limbs where we have a greater stagnation of liquids. We say yes to skirts and loose dresses, while for the feet we always try not to subject them to long days of closed shoes and dizzying heels.
If we want to get really prepared for the fateful dress rehearsal, it is important to use the right cosmetics for the treatment of the dreaded cellulite. Constant regular use of the products can guarantee long-lasting and significant results. The choice must fall on cosmetic houses that offer complete lines consisting of multiple products, each aimed at obtaining a focused result, because only a complete treatment helps us achieve our goal. The must are cosmetic products of plant origin: it is precisely in nature, in fact, that we can find a valid ally to recover our well-being.
The cosmetic treatment for cellulite blemishes must begin with a non-aggressive cleaning product that does not contain salt or finely chopped kernels to remove dead cells on the surface of the epidermis. We continue the journey with a draining mud and a liporeducing cream. We complete the treatment with a firming cream to be applied with a circular massage from the bottom up to a total absorption, thus promoting skin elasticity and microcirculation.
If you suffer from thyroid it is advisable to consider carefully which products to use. Generally the percentage of iodine contained in the algae of cosmetics (usually sludge and creams) is decidedly low and therefore the possibility of it being absorbed through the skin and influencing the functioning of the thyroid is close to zero. However, if we are not sure, talk to the doctor or give up treatment.
To facilitate the path to the dress rehearsal, it is also possible to use supplements that promote diuresis, drainage and strengthening of capillaries. However, their intake must take place on the advice of the general practitioner, pharmacist or herbalist you trust, DIY is not a good choice.
It is no less important to associate constant physical activity. With the arrival of the sun and nice days we can start to walk more, especially if we don’t have time to go to the gym. In the office and in the car we try to change posture often and take a few steps every hour.
At the end of these months, with calm and without stressing our physique with last minute diets or tour de force in the gym, we will have improved our lifestyle and we will have arrived at the much-dreamed holiday with a smile and in great shape.