Happy New Year 2021


Another year has passed. A difficult year from many points of view but, despite everything, we are still here with a great desire to do more and do better for our readers and in defense of the environment.

2020 and the Covd-19 pandemic have shown us the inevitable consequences of human action on nature: ecosystems are collapsing and this has repercussions on the life of the planet and on our health. We would like to write nice words on this issue but there are those who have already done it, and well, before us: the WWF. Therefore we report an excerpt from the 2020 Budget that can be read on their website.

“If there is one lesson we must learn from 2020 it is that our health depends on the health of Nature. Nothing on this planet is indifferent to us: the climate crisis, the disappearance of forests, the destruction of ecosystems, the extinction of species and habitats, our consumption and unsustainable food production have a boomerang effect on our lives. There is no more time for endless discussions on commitments that never turn into facts; there is no more time for wait-and-see or wrong policies; we no longer have time to build a sustainable future in which to rebuild the nature we have lost. If we want to defend our health and safety, we no longer have to talk about the future but about the present with respect to major environmental challenges. Every decision, every choice, every investment must immediately contribute to the ecological conversion we need to protect our health and our future ”.

We fully share the words of WWF and reiterate the need to commit ourselves to change things, without waiting for others to do so. And we appeal to the rulers to make sustainable choices that can meet the needs of containing temperatures and emissions, safeguarding our forests, protecting endangered species, and properly disposing of waste.

For our part, we are committed to continuing to provide information, disseminate news and offer advice and solutions on various topics related to the environment.

In 2020 we introduced Time to Recycle and the SmartGreen Post Magazine, which can be downloaded for free on our website. For 2021 we have decided to launch a weekly newsletter in order to keep you updated on the latest news from the green world.

If you want to do your part for the environment, start by informing yourself.

In the meantime, we wish you our best wishes for a more aware 2021.

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