The #GreenWeek at the Venice Film Festival 2021

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Green Drop Award, the environmental prize of Green Cross Italy at the 78th Venice International Film Festival, here are all the events of Green Week

© Green Drop Award

Green Week 2021, organised by Green Cross Italy with the Sardegna Film Commission and the patronage of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, was inaugurated on 6 September on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Green Drop Award at the Venice Film Festival.

For the tenth consecutive year, the 78th Venice International Film Festival is hosting the Green Drop Award, the prize given by Green Cross Italy to the film, from among those competing in the Festival’s official selection, that best interprets the values of ecology, sustainable development and cooperation between peoples.

The event, held at the Hotel Excelsior on the Venice Lido in the hall of the Ente Fondazione dello Spettacolo, was attended by Nevina Satta, Director of the Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission, Elio Pacilio, President of Green Cross Italia, Bepi Vigna, Director of the Green Drop Award, moderated by Marco Gisotti, journalist, Ministry of Ecological Transition.

The 2021 edition was particularly rich in appointments with events and initiatives on the themes of sustainability and ecological transition, aware of the serious climate crisis and looking ahead to the World Youth Conference on Climate, Youth4Climate, and PreCOP 26 which will take place in Milan at the end of the month, in preparation for the 26th United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP) on Climate Change which in November will see the city of Glasgow as the protagonist and of which Italy is co-organiser together with the United Kingdom.

These are the highlights of Green Week 2021:

On Tuesday 7th September 2021, at 11 a.m., at the Hotel Excelsior, in the Spazio Incontri of the Venice Production Bridge, the round table “A Better World is possible: our future must be green and sustainable” was held. The cinema of the new generations, between experimental production models and responsible innovation focused on green policies for the entertainment industry; the meeting was attended, among others, by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Italian Film Commission, Sardegna Film Commission, Veneto Film Commission, Trentino Film Commission, Green Cross Italia, Connect4Climate-World Bank, Arpa Veneto, Green Film Shooting.

On Wednesday 8th September, at 10 a.m., at the Italian Pavilion, at the Hotel Excelsior, a conference was held on “Storytelling the ecological transition: all the necessary languages from the ecothriller to film tourism“. The meeting was attended by Stefania Divertito, Head of the Press Office of the Ministry for Ecological Transition, Annamaria Granatello, President of the Solinas Award, Elio Pacilio, President of Green Cross Italy, John Woods, writer, Antonio Tirotto, Mayor of Aglientu, Bepi Vigna, cinema and comics scriptwriter and President of the Green Drop Award Jury.

On Thursday 9, at 10 a.m., at the Italian Pavilion, at the Hotel Excelsior, the panel discussion “Sustainable screens 2021″ was held to compare data and prospects of the PNRR with respect to the efficiency of cinemas. Participants included: Elio Pacilio, President of Green Cross Italia, Simone Gialdini, Director General of ANEC, Nevina Satta, CEO Sardegna Film Commission and General Secretary EUFCN, Cristina Vajani, Head of Promotion and Assistance to Enterprises GSE, Marcello Salvio, ENEA – Department for Energy Efficiency, Birgit Heidsiek, Green Film Shooting. Moderator: Marco Gisotti, journalist, Ministry of Ecological Transition.

Also on Thursday 9th September, at 3.00 p.m. on Certosa Island, in cooperation with the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Carabinieri Forestry Group, the “Bosco del Cinema” (Wood of Cinema) will be planted, with over one hundred trees dedicated to each Golden Lion Career Artist.
At the end of the initiative there will be a Masterclass on cinema and environment with the finalist students of the Arpa Veneto Contest with the participation of John Woods, author of Lady Cheavy and thriller novels, Nevina Satta, CEO Sardegna Film Commission and General Secretary EUFCN, Bepi Vigna, screenwriter and president of the Centro Internazionale del Fumetto, Giulia Braga, Program manager Connect4Climate-World Bank, Andrea Di Nardo, Laser Film.

The presentation of the Green Drop Award 2021 took place on Friday 10th September 2021 in the Sala Tropicana of the Hotel Excelsior at the Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo in the presence of popular testimonials.

The Green Drop Award 2021 trophy was awarded to the film in the official selection that best interpreted the values of ecology and cooperation between peoples. As always, it contains land from a place of particular importance for the environment, this year from Glasgow, where the World Conference of the Parties on Climate Change will be held in November.

The all-female committee of honour for the Green Drop Award is made up of Claudia Cardinale, Paola Comin, Simona Izzo, Ottavia Piccolo, Stefania Sandrelli and Chiara Tonelli.

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