‘The circular economy and recycling industrial sector, made up of mainly family-run SMEs, represents an excellence that makes Italy an international leader in paper recycling. The targets set by the EU for the recycling of cellulose packaging by 2025 have already been exceeded since 2009, a full sixteen years ahead of schedule, thanks to a capillary plant network of no less than 700 plants.
The Italian waste paper sector has historically been one of the pillars of the circular economy, despite the impacts of international economic conditions that affect market prices and the bureaucracy that slows down the development of the sector. What we need now is for all the necessary efforts to be made to break down the non-technological barriers that continue to burden companies: from the procedures for renewing environmental authorisations to the commercial defence of companies, to the failure to respect competition principles’.
This is what the National Union of Waste Recovery and Recycling Companies (Unirima) says in a note.