The Italian seas are clean. For 2020, over 5400 km of bathing water have been classified as "excellent", ie around 95% of all those classified and examined are in excellent health. The good news comes from the National Environmental Protection...
From 31 January to 2 February the event "Itinerando" in Padua, Italy, will tell a new travel concept: rediscover the pleasure of adventure, the aesthetic enjoyment of the landscape and the relaxing rhythm of slow savoring en plein-air. It...
Respect for the environment and sustainable tourism have become an inseparable pair, especially for those who, even on holydays, continue to have green behaviors, starting with the choice of destination up to the attention for they eat during the trip. Ecotourism means traveling in a...
For some years Milan is working on the reconstruction of the Roman amphitheater of Mediolanum, built in the first century after Christ and similar in size to the Colosseum. The building underwent a process of degradation and abandonment in the following centuries,...
Choosing the way to travel and the place to stay are the first steps necessary for an ecofriendly holiday. The idea is often that in order to respect the environment we must renounce the comforts that we normally expect...
In recent years, the idea of ​​sustainable tourism in contact with nature has spread, to rediscover unspoiled places and travel respecting the environment. Green and zero-impact locations are increasingly sought after, but above all people want to immerse themselves...
Ecotourism is not over and tries to reach us at home through unusual ways, but still attractive and full of charm. There are various initiatives by sector employees that allow you to enjoy the enchanting spectacle that our world...
Who said that to travel you have to move, take the car or plane, go to another place? Forced isolation due to the coronavirus can be an opportunity to make a sustainable holiday with almost zero impact, comfortably from...
Between the 1980s and 1990s the Aspromonte Hikers Group (GEA) created this path, consisting of 9 stages, for a length of about 140 kilometers and a journey time of 9-10 days. The name of the Way derives from the...
Travel makes us better. It broadens our perspective, it pushes our boundaries and it allows us to experience the world through a different lens. With great power, also comes great responsibility, which is why as a well known contributor to climate change,...