‘The circular economy and recycling industrial sector, made up of mainly family-run SMEs, represents an excellence that makes Italy an international leader in paper...
The global food system is inherently illogical. It uses 40 percent of the Earth's ice-free land surface, is the leading cause of biodiversity loss,...
The aftermath of Cyclone Boris has hit Emilia Romagna and Marche, causing 1,500 displaced, two missing, collapses and power outages throughout Romagna to date....
August 1st marks Earth Overshoot Day 2024, the day of Earth's overexploitation calculated annually by the Global Footprint Network, which shows that in just...
The EU Member States kept their commitments and, respecting the previous vote of the European Parliament, approved the Nature Restoration Regulation with a qualified...
The Otter Day is celebrated on 29 May, World Otter Day (Lutra lutra) dedicated to one of the rarest and most endangered species of...
Large numbers of people in Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania and Somalia were displaced and significant damage was reported to homes, schools and infrastructure, as well...
1. Tigers are on the rise The first victory for endangered species conservation features the tiger. While there were only 3,200 tigers in the wild...
"We are all a bit hung up, waiting for the outcome of the Global Stocktake and the final decision that should provide the first...
Only yesterday, UNEP, in its latest Climate Adaptation Gap Report, showed how the world is not taking the impacts of the climate crisis seriously...