On the occasion of World Bicycle Day on 3rd June (established in 2018 by the United Nations to raise awareness of the social benefits of cycling as a means of transport and leisure), FIAB-Federazione Italiana Ambiente e Bicicletta is...
“Restore Our Earth”, we repair / rehabilitate our Earth. This is the theme of Earth Day, now in its 51st edition. The goal of Earth Day 2021, which is celebrated on April 22, is to raise awareness among citizens...
2020 ranks so far as the hottest ever recorded in Europe for 112 years with an anomaly of even 2.1 degrees compared to the average. This is what emerges from the Coldiretti calculations based on the latest data from...
Graphene asphalt experimentation starts in Milan: Iterchimica, an Italian company which is world leader in the field of asphalt additives, together with the Metropolitan City of Milan will carry out the reconstruction of a section of the SP35 Milano-Meda and of a...
A telethon to raise funds against deforestation. Denmark Plant Trees, a television program during which they raised funds to plant trees, was broadcast in Denmark on TV2. Thanks to donations from individuals and companies, the event ended with a total of 2.67...
More and more often we hear about PAC. The acronym is now known by public opinion but few really know what the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union implies. The first consideration to be made is that the...
Forestry consultants and technicians, lumberjacks, nurserymen, planners, managers and employees of companies in the wood sector: the economic world that revolves around forests has always been a "men's business", although something is changing. This is confirmed by the initiative...
Reduction of marine litter, blue economy, protection of biodiversity and protected marine areas, containment of climate change: these are some of the issues at the center of negotiations currently underway in Naples, in the halls of the Castel dell'Ovo, among the delegations...
They help mitigate the summer heat, regulate the flow of rainwater, increase the value of buildings, absorb CO2 thus counteracting climate change, retain numerous pollutants, contain atmospheric and acoustic pollution, create precious shaded areas, are ideal habitat for many...
The countries of the European Union, due to the import of products such as soy, palm oil, beef, cocoa, coffee and wood, are among the main causes of tropical deforestation and the destruction of ecosystems such as grasslands, savannas...