Thousands of hectares of forest are burning in the Mediterranean Basin. In Italy and more in general in Europe, several wildfires lead to the destruction and decline of important forest heritages that host a wide variety of vegetal species,...
Over half of the world's population now lives in cities, and it is for this reason that more and more attention is being paid to studies that investigate the livability of urban environments. In Italy there are 42 million...
Regenerate agricultural soils at risk of desertification through an innovative bio-treatment that combines scientific research, circular economy and low production costs. This is the goal of POREM, a project worth almost 1.5 million euros of the European LIFE program,...
The red planet never ceases to fascinate. Many missions that try to fathom the secrets of Mars in search of traces of life from the past. Last but not least, the NASA Mars2020 mission, which is traveling towards the...
Microplastics are plastic fragments with a diameter of less than 5 mm, nanoplastics are even smaller, with diameters less than 0.050 mm. Although there is no scientific evidence of the consequences on human health, research on wild animals and...
Corals absorb pollutants, in particular some hydrocarbons that have in fact been found in the skeleton of a species of coral widespread in the Mediterranean. This was revealed by a study conducted in collaboration between the Institute for Biological...
“Too precious to lose” is the slogan for the 2020 edition of the International Day of Forests promoted by ONU, which highlights the indissoluble union between forests and biodiversity. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)...
The cultural tradition of bearded strains, South American monkeys who use tools, risks disappearing due to the agricultural conversion of forest areas. The alarm was launched by a study conducted in collaboration between the Cnr Institute of Sciences and...
The surface of the Sun is dotted with countless eruptions reminiscent of bonfires, never seen before and revealed by the images sent by the Solar Orbiter probe, managed by the European Space Agency (ESA) in collaboration with NASA. Launched...
The Mt. Etna is the biggest European volcano and one of the most active volcanos of the world; localized in eastern Sicily, it elevates until 3320 m a.s.l. (in 2019) but its altitude and morphology of the top of...