Innovation: All Italian the first micro-vegetable garden for space farming

A micro-garden 6000 km from Earth to grow fresh vegetables for future space missions. GREENCUBE, designed by an all-Italian scientific team, for the first time will be aboard a...

Greener real estate market will increase energy standard

Some important indicators on the energy quality of the properties purchased in 2019 improve. From the analysis on the monitoring of the dynamics of the real estate market according...

Earth Day 2020: celebrate the 50th anniversary at home

“On April 22, we will flood the world with hope, optimism and action. Will you join us? " This is the invitation addressed by Earth Day 2020 (Earth Day...

CO2 Earth Degassing: the natural contribution to the global warming

The climate changes had an increasing interest in the public opinion, just as meteorological events related to the global warming, that always more frequently determine huge damages and human...

Separate collection: how to dispose expired medicines

Expired medicines cannot be sent for separate collection because they are dangerous urban waste and must be disposed in a different way. The mistake that many commit, out of...

Discarded coronavirus masks and gloves rising threat to environment

Throwing anti-Covid 19 gloves and masks not only pollutes our planet but can help spread the virus. The complaint is from the Plastic Free association which in recent days...