Coronavirus and Undertourism: traveling in Italy in an alternative way

Talking about tourism today seems really unlikely. We are aware of having to stay home for a long time and we know that returning to the former life will...

Coronavirus and skin care: how to prepare DIY scrubs and face masks

Smooth, radiant and healthy-looking skin is what every woman wants. Even in this particular period in which, due to coronavirus, we cannot go to the beautician, it is important...

Sustainable mobility: five concrete actions for post coronavirus

"To overcome the coronavirus emergency and to restart the Italian cities, exceptional answers and solutions are needed. For this, dear Mayors, do not limit yourself to the ordinary, do...

European Green Deal must be central to a resilient recovery after Covid-19

“The world is facing an unprecedented crisis. In just a few weeks, the Covid-19 pandemic has swept across the world and caused tremendous human tragedy and a historical economic...

Separate collection: how to recycle used cooking oil

A natural product such as cooking oil can turn into a powerful pollutant if not properly recycled after use. It is estimated that in Italy each citizen produces approximately...

A new virtual journey in Italy through mountains and waterfalls

Let's start for another of our virtual itineraries in nature, with the idea of ​​foretaste pleasant sensations that we will soon live with our senses and, perhaps, to be...