Happy Easter from SmartGreen Post
Easter has a different flavor this year. Many will not eat the typical dishes they are used to eating on this occasion, families will not get together and many...
China signals end to dog meat consumption by humans
The Chinese government has signalled an end to the human consumption of dogs, with the agriculture ministry today releasing a draft policy that would forbid canine meat. Following the...
Pandemic dossier and ecological challenges: a path to a green future
The coronavirus pandemic is upsetting habits and ways of life. This difficult period can be an opportunity to rethink our lives, to try to better understand the challenges of...
Coronavirus: new perspectives for the cure of Covid-19 from wild tobacco
Realize vaccines and biopharmaceuticals against the virus responsible for COVID-19 through the DNA sequencing of wild tobacco. An international consortium coordinated by the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane...
Renewable energies are essential for economic recovery after the COVID-19
In a short few weeks, much of the world has been shut down due to the coronavirus. The immediate priority remains to save as many lives as possible, bring...
Distance learning, teaching is to build bridges of hope towards the future
Nothing is like before. We have all been deprived of the freedom to go out, to be able to meet and embrace the loved ones, to be able to...