Coronavirus: the collection of hospital waste is tripled
The coronavirus emergency is testing several sectors, not least that of waste collection, not so much for households but for special waste, which has tripled in recent weeks.
“Companies active...
Coronavirus and air pollution, CO2 emissions decrease throughout Italy
Covid-19 is now at the center of daily information but has
also assumed a predominant role in our life, which has revolutionized, forcing
us to avoid physical contacts, to eliminate many...
LastTissue, the reusable pack setting out to stop the single-use tissue
Following a successful crowdfunding campaign that raised $1.3 MM on a reusable Q-tip called LastSwab, LastObject is back with their second product, LastTissue. LastTissue launches on Kickstarter and aims...
Coronavirus, Antonio Giordano: “There is no connection with climate change”
In the last few days we have witnessed panic scenes due to the spread of the coronavirus: escapes from the red zone, supermarkets taken by storm to stock up...
Separate collection: how to recycle plastic waste
Plastic has entered our daily life. Every day we use dozens of disposable and non-disposable plastic objects, that we have to throw away. But how to recycle plastic waste?...
Mountains and climate change: Italy’s ideas for rethinking winter tourism
"In the Italian mountains, snow is now only needed for
the landscape, not for skiing." And despite the evidence of climate
change, the Regions continue to invest hundreds of millions of...