Here is the first eco-friendly jacket in recycled denim
Rifò, a young Italian eco-friendly fashion brand, presents "Avanguardista", the recycled and regenerated denim fabric jacket made at km 0 in the textile district of Prato.
Created for a future...
How to color your hair naturally using dye plants
Highlighting hair with natural
dyes is possible. Plants, in fact, offer us a wide variety of solutions if we
want to darken or lighten our hair, cover the regrowth or hide...
Plastic rivers, the collection plant that uses current and AI comes from Italy
Plastic represents almost all of the waste found in the
world's seas and is the main waste found on the beaches. The Mediterranean Sea
is today among the most polluted seas...
World’s sandy beaches under threat from climate change
Erosion is a major problem facing sandy beaches that will worsen with the rising sea levels brought about by climate change. According to the study, published in Nature Climate...
Smart City Index 2020, Trento is the most sustainable city in Italy
Trento is the most sustainable city in Italy for transport, energy and environment, followed by Turin, Bologna, Mantua and Milan. This is what emerges from the fifth edition of...
How to make separate collection: what to throw in the unsorted waste
Making a correct separate collection is very important to reduce our impact on the environment. Recycling is the key word for many objects that we use daily however, unlike...