Space waste, ESA’s first recovery mission in 2025

Waste is not a problem that affects only the planet Earth. Even in space, with its many scientific missions, debris is starting to accumulate. For this reason, the European Space Agency...

Switzerland shuts down the first of its five nuclear power plants

Switzerland says goodbye to nuclear power and shuts down the Muehleberg power plant, one of five plants operating on Swiss territory. The shutdown took place on live TV on 20 December...

Ten original and green Christmas present ideas

Choosing the right Christmas gift, that is original and not expected, is always a challenge. For this reason, in collaboration with Salectra, we have compiled a list of innovative,...

Air pollution increase depression and suicide

People living with air pollution have higher rates of depression and suicide, a systematic review of global data has found. Cutting air pollution around the world to the EU’s...

Plastic-free Christmas, 12 festive tips

December is usually the busiest time of the year, with people travelling and spending money to entertain themselves, their families and friends. It is also the time of...

50,000 marine animals ingest plastic in the Mediterranean sea

Plastic in the seas is one of the most alarming phenomena caused by excessive consumption of plastic material and its incorrect disposal and recycling. The danger is mainly due...