Germany ready to give up Christmas lights to help the Planet
In Germany, people are willing to give up Christmas lights as a gesture of solidarity with the planet. In times of climate crisis, in fact, the Germans said they...
Ford is turning McDonald’s coffee bean waste into car parts
Ford Motor Company and McDonald’s USA will soon be giving
vehicles a caffeine boost by using part of a familiar staple in the morning
routine, coffee beans, in vehicle parts such...
A motorway for bees will be realized in Milan
A motorway for bees will be built in Milan, a 3.5 km long
flowery route that is about to become the longest of its kind in Italy. A
fragrant corridor that...
Italy ranks third in Europe for packaging recycling
Italy confirms itself as the vanguard of the European
recycling industry, ranking third for packaging recovery (with a recycling rate
of 67%), after Germany (71%) and Spain (70%). Several supply chains...
Rome ranked among ‘worst city in the world’ for foreign residents
Rome is the worst European city in which to live in 2020. The figure emerges from the Expat City Ranking, the ranking of the 82 largest world metropolises, distributed...
7 ways that supermarkets can help eliminate single-use plastic
A typical supermarket is filled with plastic, from aisles of
drinks in plastic bottles to bags of prewashed greens and the liners hidden in
cereal boxes. (Some go even further, such...