Climate: global warming harms health
The use of fossil fuels is a significant threat to human
health: air pollution and climate changes resulting from the combustion of
hydrocarbons have very significant consequences. All these aspects, to...
Glass is the future of sustainable packaging
The presence of glass on the shelves of supermarkets and
shops is increasing. In fact, 85% of turnover in wine, beer and sauces is
absorbed by those made in glass, with...
Architecture Firm Designs Smart Forest City Cancun
Stefano Boeri Architetti designed for Grupo Karim’s a new
Forest City in Mexico. The new city will host, on a land area 557 ha, 130.000
inhabitants, giving back to nature a...
Circular economy is number one priority of European Green Deal
The circular economy, including new waste and recycling
laws, will represent “half” of the EU’s effort to achieve net-zero carbon
emissions by 2050, and will be erected as “the number one...
How to protect yourself from cold waether
Excessive cold can pose a threat to health, especially for the elderly and people with chronic illnesses. Here is a guide to protect yourself from cold weather. When the...
Dogs help fight depression and loneliness
The bond between a pet and its owner is special and goes beyond company. In many cases he becomes a family member, loved and pampered and able to reciprocate...