Pumpkin: health benefits and nutritional breakdown
Pumpkin is a highly nutrient-dense food. It is rich in
vitamins and minerals but low in calories. Pumpkin seeds, leaves, and juices
all pack a powerful nutritional punch. There are many...
Crowd-funder saves Stradivari’s wood by adopting 16,500 trees
Following the devastation of Stradivari’s forests in the Val
di Fiemme region of Italy during storms in October 2018, a recent crowdfunding
campaign has given cause for optimism. Today about 16,500...
Trento is the greenest city in Italy
Trento, Mantua, Bolzano, Pordenone and Parma are the cities
at the top of the 2019 Urban Ecosystem ranking, the research of Legambiente,
Ambiente Italia and Il Sole 24 Ore on the...
Plastic accounts for 99% of waste in Mediterranean sea
Plastic pollution damages the environment, valuable
materials are lost, and cleaning up is very difficult. There is also a growing
concern over micro- and nanoplastics impact on animals and humans.
The Italian...
Benefits of walking: 10 reasons to walk
Have you ever thought about how much benefits walking
brings? There are many advantages that come from a good walk, especially if
repeated constantly. First of all, walking is good for...
Coca-Cola named worst plastic polluted for second year
Coca-Cola was found to be the most polluted brand in the
world for the second year in a row, according to a global audit of collected
plastic trash conducted by the...