Sustainable luggage designers Phoenix launches the suitcase in recycled plastic

The world is changing – and so is travel. New models of regenerative and permacultural design are revolutionising the commercial marketplace, creating products developed responsibly with a potentially infinite...

Re-genetation, in Turin over three thousand appliances have a new life

Since 2017, the Ri-generation project, initiated by Turin-based Astelav, has given new life to washing machines, ovens, dishwashers and refrigerators now destined for landfill, doing good for the environment and creating jobs...

Re-Think, in Genoa the importance of the sea for the circular economy

Emerging trends that will transform the sea into the energy of the future, new materials that play on the bioeconomy, circular boats that are moved by renewable sources, and finally waste...

What is it with Italians and tap water?

2361/5000The tap water is good for the environment and the wallet, and is the result of long work in perfect optics of circular economy. What is it with...

Stella McCartney launches sustainable vegan fur collection made from plants

Sustainable vegetarian fashion designer Stella McCartney has launched the world’s first faux-fur made using plant-based ingredients. Stella McCartney is one of the designers who most care about the environment...

The convergence of environment and health is growing

Attention to health and environment: these are the most pressing demands that consumers from all around the world turn to food and beverage brands for a green turn. They...