Ecobnb, green holidays with the ecofriendly accommodations website
Choosing the way to travel and the place to stay are the first steps necessary for an ecofriendly holiday. The idea is often that in order to respect the...
Green asphalt, new graphene roads in Milan
Graphene asphalt experimentation starts in Milan:
Iterchimica, an Italian company which is world leader in the field of asphalt
additives, together with the Metropolitan City of Milan will carry out the
The most harmful car companies: Greenpeace ranking
Over the last few decades, car manufacturers have gone to
great lengths to demonstrate that they understand the threat their products
pose to society by promoting “greener” vehicles at motor shows...
Wavestar, the platform that create clean energy from the waves
A machine that uses the energy produced by the wave motion
of the sea to transform it into electricity: this is the basic principle of
Wavestar, an oleodynamic platform that promises...
Amazon fires threaten the animals
The fires in the Amazon is worsening day by day and the WWF raises the alarm for the fauna and flora already at risk of this precious ecoregion which...
After bronze and iron, welcome to the plastic age
According to scientists, after the Bronze and Iron Ages, the current period may become known as the plastic age. They established it through a study that analyzed the increase...