Microplastics, what they are and why they harm the environment

A walk on the beach often turns into a walk through the garbage. On the shore you find abandoned plastic objects, envelopes, bottles, disposable glasses. All of us should...

7,000 Colleges and Universities declare climate emergency, with a plan to fight it

Networks representing more than 7,000 higher and further education institutions from six continents have announced that they are declaring a ‘climate emergency’, and agreed to undertake a three-point plan to address the...

The benefits of credit cards for the environment

Credit cards or cash? Often the choice is linked only to a question of comfort but from today we will have one more reason to prefer credit or debit...

Internet through light: Li-Fi, the connection via LED

Li-fi, or Light-fidelity, is a VLC (Visible Light Communications) system that uses light to send wireless data embedded in the beam. No electromagnetic waves, therefore, on which damage to health and the...

Ice on fire, a new documentary on climate change

Ice on fire is the new documentary produced by Leonardo DiCaprio on climate change. It is a journey around the world to discover innovative solutions to slow down global...

Plastic Radar, a Whatsapp to report plastic waste in the sea

Plastic waste that pollutes beaches, seas and depths: an emergency that shows no sign of abating and, for this reason, Greenpeace has made available Plastic Radar, a tool that...