Environment: what can we do to save it from disaster

Environment, ecology, climate change: all topics on which the world is becoming increasingly sensitive. The recent demonstrations led by Greta Thunberg have had the power to bring to the fore an increasingly...

Graphene battery, it is ecological and makes our smartphones last longer

Smartphones powered by renewable energy? From today it is no longer science fiction and soon the old lithium batteries could be replaced by brand new graphene batteries, which reduce charge times to...

Thirty multinationals form an alliance to fight plastic in the seas

"Alliance to end plastic waste" is the agreement signed by about thirty multinational petrochemical companies with the aim of combating the abuse of plastic and reducing the waste produced by it, which...

Bamboo toothbrushes, many benefits not only for the environment

Biodegradable toothbrushes are a valid eco-sustainable alternative to plastic toothbrushes. Dentists advise us to change the toothbrush often, which means that we use, and then throw in the garbage, around 300, over...

Pollution, smog kills more than cigarettes

Air pollution kills more than cigarettes. Smog causes around 8.8 million victims worldwide in one year, or 120 deaths per 100,000 people. On the other hand, smoking kills 7.2 million, mostly causing...

Ecosia, the green search engine that plants trees with every click

Ecosia is the first green search engine, which claims to donate 80% of the proceeds from online advertising to reforestation programs, for example in the Amazon and Burkina Faso. Ecosia was born...