The tulip, the spring flower between history and legend
The tulip grows in a wide geographical area from the Iberian Peninsula to North Africa, from Greece to the Balkans, Turkey, Syria, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Ukraine, South...
The 7 WWF tips for a sustainable Easter
Here are the 7 WWF tips for a sustainable Easter:
1 - Do-it-yourself decorationsThere is no need to buy too many decorations, we can create some with painted eggs, ribbons,...
Dementia and its risk factors: each step counts!
Dementia is a heterogeneous syndrome characterised by a progressive deterioration of cognition and the ability to perform activities of daily living. Dementia also has a huge emotional, economic, and...
Trash art: contemporary visual art meets the nature
Art has always been a reflection of reality. The artists express their everyday life with their works, accentuating their particular conditions. The socio-cultural changes (and also climate, now) are...
Digital transformation and sustainability: the union of the future
"Agenda2030 focuses on sustainable development in every aspect of society, so publishing a manifesto on Sustainable Coding is first and foremost about focusing on one of the many dimensions...
Organic wine: Italy among the world leaders in production
FederBio, which has subscribed to Slow Food's Wine Manifesto for production based on respect for the land and biodiversity, enhancing the identity of local agricultural systems, is a partner...