Waste: MiTe €27 million for plastic-eating eco-compactors

Twenty-seven million euros have been allocated to Italian municipalities to reduce the production of plastic waste through the use of eco-compactors, promote separate collection and improve recycling with a...

Favini presents the greenest paper: “Paper from our echosystem”

PAPER FROM OUR ECHOSYSTEM, the new offer with a high ecological value by Favini, a leading company for luxury packaging papers, arrives today at the trade fair Luxepack Monaco,...

Climate fiction: a new literary genre to describe climate change

Looking for Italy's Cormac McCarthy. The Source, the literary competition that will choose the best Italian climate fiction short stories, is now underway. The initiative, promoted by Gruppo CAP,...

Youth4Climate 2021: young people as protagonists of their future

"Climate change is not only a threat, but above all an opportunity to create a healthier, greener and cleaner planet that will benefit us all. We must strive for...

World Food Day: the agroecological transition is fundamental

Today, 16th October, is World Food Day, established by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO). The theme for this year's edition is "Transforming food systems...

BDR Days are back

The new edition of the BDR Days, the Biogasdoneright days of the CIB - Consorzio Italiano Biogas, will be held in Puglia. The appointment is for Friday, October 15th,...