Summertime is glamping

Glamping means combining the most authentic contact with nature with comfort, luxury and ecology. An experience of staying in unique structures that conceive the idea of camping as immersion...

In European cities, heat waves affect the most vulnerable

Heat waves in Europe are on the rise, causing a 57 percent increase in the number of people exposed compared to the decade 2000-2009. Especially in urban areas, the...

The Queen of the Rivers is back

The Otter Day is celebrated on 29 May, World Otter Day (Lutra lutra) dedicated to one of the rarest and most endangered species of European fauna and to celebrate...

Microalgae as biosensors to detect heavy metals in water

Researchers from the Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems 'Eduardo Caianiello' of the National Research Council (CNR-Isasi), in collaboration with the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station in Naples (Szn),...

Climate change, East Africa hit by unprecedented heavy rains

Large numbers of people in Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania and Somalia were displaced and significant damage was reported to homes, schools and infrastructure, as well as the loss of crops...

World Earth Day, agro-ecological transition is key

Organic farming, which does not use synthetic chemicals but relies on farming techniques that respect natural life cycles, helps improve the health and fertility of the earth, increase biological...