Organic law now to avoid losing EU resources

There is an increasingly open market for clean and good products, but above all there is growing public awareness of the damage done to the environment and health by...

Organic molecules for quantum technologies can be useful to fight against climate change

Quantum mechanics has remained an enigma for physicists and philosophers worldwide for more than a century. Quantum teleportation or the famous entanglement, described by Einstein as 'uncanny action at...

Sustainable development in the Italian Constitution: a legislative gap to be filled

The integration of animal and environmental protection into the Constitution has sparked off a political debate on sustainable development. In recent days, the Institutional Affairs Commission has approved the integration...

A new climate model for the Mediterranean

It is called ENEA-RegESM (Regional Earth System Model) and is able to simulate the atmosphere-ocean dynamics in relation to the physical and biological processes occurring on the Earth's surface,...

Reforesting Italy tree by tree

AzzeroCO2 and Legambiente are meeting tomorrow 9th June at 9.30 a.m. at the Botanical Garden in Rome for the event "Three years of Mosaico Verde: together with companies to...

The Climate Clock in Rome: How much time do we have before the climate...

Already present in the world's major capitals, the Climate Clock is being inaugurated in Rome today, 4th June, on the facade of the Ministry for Ecological Transition on Via...