World Bee Day, sentinels of biodiversity

The Honey Cities have adhered to the Manifesto "CittàslowBee: concretely for bees, sentinels of biodiversity", drawn up by Cittàslow International and sponsored by the newly established Italian Ministry of...

Greening the post-pandemic recovery

Are the packages of measures that all the countries of the world are launching to overcome the economic crisis triggered by the pandemic able to stimulate an environmentally sustainable...

Athenathon: the European digital marathon for the environment

A success beyond all expectations. Young university students from seven European countries, including Italy represented by Cusano University, not only responded enthusiastically to the "Athenathon" initiative launched last month...

The Mediterranean diet prevents cardiovascular diseases

The Mediterranean Diet is considered a diet rich in benefits for the body. However, the spread of junk food and the consumption of foods far from the Italian gastronomic...

Which plants do researchers like?

A study, published in the international journal Nature Plants, by young researchers from the Water Research Institute of the National Research Council in Verbania (CNR-Irsa), the University of Turin,...

Sustainable development: sanitising water with biocompatible nanomaterials

Innovative magnetic nanoparticles of iron oxide, coated with a biocompatible polymeric coating, capable of removing heavy metal ions from water: the development of materials science plays a crucial role...