Climate change threatens tourism and GDP on European islands

From Cyprus to the Azores, without forgetting Sicily and Sardinia, the European islands are threatened on several fronts by climate change: not only for the possible environmental and naturalistic...

Mobility, traffic and sustainability index in Italian cities is bad

Italian cities are still very far from the mobility and safety objectives set for 2030. This is what emerges in summary from the final balance sheet of Clean Cities,...

Coronavirus and food: which link?How to eat to stay fit

The pandemic we are experiencing has imposed substantial changes on us, it has an impact on our lifestyle habits, as well as on our biological rhythms. Our state of...

The National Day of the Sea is celebrated today 11 April

Enhance the sea as a cultural, scientific, recreational and economic resource. With this goal, the National Sea Day established by Legislative Decree 229/2017 is celebrated on 11 April. "The...

From lemon waste, supplements and nutraceuticals useful for health

The leftovers from lemon processing become supplements and nutraceuticals thanks to the innovative methodology patented by ENEA in collaboration with the Innovative Start-Up Navhetec and Agrumaria Corleone. The supplements...

Forestry Doctor: who he is and what role he plays in the ecological transition

The profile of a Forestry graduate originated approximately three centuries ago when, in 1713, Hanns Carl von Carlowitz, a forestry accountant, published "Silvicoltura Economica (Economic Silviculture)", in which he...