Ecological transition, does a new super-ministry really make sense?
The environment is at a turning point. With Mario Draghi as Italian Prime Minister, a new era is opening for the ecological transition, invoked by many and made necessary...
Zero-emission buses, Europe does not invest enough
Denmark leads the way when it comes to putting zero-emission urban buses on the streets in Europe, with 78% of new vehicles being electric, according to the latest data...
Microsoft, the results of the company’s ambitious green plan
One year after Microsoft's announcement of the plan capable of making the company "carbon negative", here are the first results presented in the company's Sustainability Report.
The challenge of modern...
Greenwashing and finance: green bonds that are good for the environment
The term "greenwashing" is not a recent one. As early as 1986, environmentalist Jay Westerveld used this term to describe his experience in the Fiji Islands. The hotel on...
From the recycling of masks a new material for streets and pavements
One of the worst consequences of Covid-19 for the environment is certainly the accumulation of disposable masks which, once used, must be disposed of. If until now the masks...
A new way of experiencing the mountains against climate change
Snow industry and climate change are allies in transforming the face of the mountains and making them no longer the place of nature and sustainable tourism but the place,...