Radioactive waste: the places that will host the nuclear deposit

The list of Italian sites where the National Radioactive Waste Repository will be built has been published. Developed by Sogin, the CNAPI proposal was validated by ISIN (formerly ISPRA), and...

Covid vaccine: all you need to know about the risks and benefits

The host: SARS-CoV-2 viruses infect human cells using a "key", called a "Spike protein", which allows them to enter cells and use their biological systems in order to replicate...

Sustainable architecture, in Magnano the house of wood, straw and cork

Sustainable architecture is increasingly becoming a need for citizens of the world; experimentation and creativity are certainly among the winning factors of an ecological and sustainable approach in the...

2020 was the year of Covid: environment in the background

2020 promised to be the year of the green turning point to stop the climate crisis, instead it has become the year of the virus. The pandemic, overwhelming the...

The Wild Animal Preservation Fund has been established in Italy

One fund for the recovery of wild animals and one for the reclamation of orphaned sites. The last two days have certainly not been a rest for the Italian...

Happy New Year 2021

Another year has passed. A difficult year from many points of view but, despite everything, we are still here with a great desire to do more and do better...