Merry Christmas from SmartGreen Post
Here we are. Christmas has arrived bringing with it a special atmosphere.
This year will not be the usual Christmas, many of us will spend it away from family and...
Cosmetic trends: hygiene products are rising, make-up decreases
A new way of thinking about cosmetic products, lower economic availability and a different lifestyle are dictating new trends in the cosmetic market. The coronavirus emergency has, in fact,...
EU forests could absorb twice as much CO2
If managed differently, the EU’s forests could absorb twice as much CO2 every year, according to new research by Naturwald Akademie. The study, commissioned by Greenpeace Germany, found...
Elba Island: not only the sea but also breathtaking hiking paths
Raise your hand if you associate the sea with summer! Well, I see several lifts. I am pleased because I have one more reason to let you enter the...
Italy of recycling: the impact of the pandemic on waste
Italy confirms itself as a country that recycles, as emerges in the 2020 Report "Italy of recycling" edited as every year by FISE Unicircular and the Foundation for Sustainable...
Green Christmas: WWF ecotips for eco-friendly holidays
The health emergency caused by Covid-19 is still the protagonist of our lives and even the Christmas that awaits us will be different from past ones. As happens every...