Two approaching black holes discovered: the study is Italian

Two black holes, hundreds of millions of times more massive than the Sun, separated by a distance only a thousand times greater than that between the Earth and our...

Kilimanjaro fire: unique plant and animal species at risk

A fire of vast proportions is devouring the forests and steppe environments of Kilimanjaro, at 3,700 meters, in one of the most precious areas for the planet's biodiversity. In...

What is the difference between natural, organic and eco-friendly cosmetics

The consumption of natural and organic cosmetics is part of the ethical and supportive choices that the consumer makes. The choice of organic cosmetics fits into a social context...

Microwaving plastic waste can generate clean hydrogen

Plastic bags, bottles, other packaging that has been thrown away and pollutants have been converted into hydrogen, a source of clean energy, using microwaves and an easily available catalyst....

Italy for Climate, the road map for the decarbonization of Italy

Italy has slowed down the pace of decarbonisation. After a decade of good performance on the emission side (-27% of greenhouse gases from 2005 to 2014), the national climate...

Waste collection: where do I throw the tetrapak?

Where do I thrown the tetrapak? The answer is: it depends on the city. Those who are careful in making a correct separate collection, will have wondered at least...