Environmental disaster in Russia, dead animals and surfers with fever
New environmental disaster in Russia, this time in the Pacific, particularly in the Gulf of Avacha, in the south-east of the Kamchatka Peninsula. It is particularly feared for Khalaktyrskij...
Burning forests: a challenge for prevention and restoration
Thousands of hectares of forest are burning in the Mediterranean Basin. In Italy and more in general in Europe, several wildfires lead to the destruction and decline of important...
Disposable plastic, Italy ready to ban even glasses and balloons
After Europe has decided to ban, by 2021, the use of various single-use plastic products, such as plates, cutlery and straws, Italy could be the first country to implement...
Graphene fabrics block Covid-19: the study of the University of Rome
Among the characteristics of graphene, its possible anti-viral power has attracted particular interest in the last period: a research conducted by a team of the Department of Neuroscience of...
Piantando, the startup that plants trees in Chile is good for the environment
Buying a plant is a simple gesture but it can have a great positive impact on our lifestyle and the environment. Surrounding yourself with plants at home brings multiple...
Nature is good for children: health and intelligence increase
Contact with nature is good for children as well as adults. Being outdoors, in fact, compensates for many of the ailments associated with confinement in urban spaces, and especially...