On holiday to discover forests fighting the climate crisis
With 11 million hectares of woodland, Italy ranks second in Europe in terms of forest coverage and offers extraordinary possibilities for a holiday or a 'slow' experience, where the...
Europe has chosen nature!
On 12 July, the European Parliament voted in favour of the Nature Restoration Act and the Green Deal, despite an unprecedented disinformation campaign aimed at stopping it, led by...
An innovative approach to river flood mapping
Floods represent one of the most common and most impactful natural disasters worldwide. During the first two decades of the 2000s, floods alone caused $651 billion in economic damage...
Eco-anxiety: the chronic fear of environmental ruin
Climate change, in addition to causing serious problems to natural ecosystems, infrastructure, housing, businesses and livelihoods, is having (direct and indirect) impacts on people's physical and mental health. Susan...
Greenbickering, companies now fight over who is not so green
It is greenbickering, or green squabbling, the new phenomenon with which companies, public opinion, administrators and especially judges and courts will have to become familiar. "That is," explained Rita...
Earthquake in Turkey: the apocalypse is always man-made
An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 was recorded in Turkey on 6 February 2023 and affected a large area in south-eastern Anatolia, on the border with Syria. This...