Beirut, what is ammonium nitrate and why it is dangerous for health and the...

Yesterday's explosions in Beirut have caused invaluable damage to the Lebanese population and the environment. A few hours after the disaster, Lebanese health minister Hamad Hasan advised anyone who...

Cutting back on meat consumption will prevent the next pandemic

Industrial production of animal products is a source of diseases and the next pandemic might spark from poultry, say the world’s leading authorities in emerging zoonotic diseases. Already in 2004,...

The voyage consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes

When we started thinking about the third issue of our magazine, they couldn’t help but think that August is the holiday month, when the plug finally comes out and...

The story of Jadav Payeng, the forestman of India

Big hands hardened by fatigue and the satisfied smile of those who know they have done something important for the environment. His name is Jadav Payeng, an Indian farmer...

Research at the service of forests: their future is in our hands

“Too precious to lose” is the slogan for the 2020 edition of the International Day of Forests promoted by ONU, which highlights the indissoluble union between forests and biodiversity....

Marine animals are not toys: Enpa against the “bucket torture”

Bucket, net and go to those who catch and show as many marine animals as possible: crabs, minnows, shrimp or jellyfish. Year after year it seems that "torture in...