How to plan an “almost” sustainable wedding?
With the arrival of spring, the wedding season opens, which generally starts in April and ends in October, and many will already be thinking about how to celebrate their...
Trees: adversaries and victims of climate change
The waves of drought and heat characterized not only the last summer season, but also the autumn. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the scorching heat of summer...
The Bosco Pantano of Policoro, the last enchanted forest
The Bosco Pantano forest represents the last strip of lowland forest in southern Italy, 'a fossil' that has escaped the wild reclamation and agricultural intensification that affected the Lucanian...
Smart working is good for your health, also for the Planet
"In our country, approximately one person in two owns a car, i.e. 666 cars for every 1,000 inhabitants, a figure that puts Italy in second place in Europe for...
The Dominican Republic by bike
In recent years, the desire for active holidays or, at any rate, holidays that combine sport and movement with relaxation and escapism, has been growing steadily. Cycling is one...
Never so little snow in the Alps in the last 600 years
Snow is becoming more and more ephemeral in our Alps. Despite the typical variability that we are familiar with between one winter and the next, what we have been...