Economic and environmental sustainability: the green recipe for recovery

To put in place rapid interventions on the front of environmental sustainability and the economy, focusing on simplifying procedures and keeping together the innovation, of which Italy has an...

How to decide what mask works best for you and the environment

To exit the health emergency caused by the spread of coronavirus it is essential to wear personal protective equipment such as masks. Therefore, it is good to know the...

Separate collection: how to properly dispose of WEEE waste

It is a problem to dispose of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) at the end of its life. Too often we see old appliances such as refrigerators and washing...

Record of microplastics in the Tyrrhenian Sea

The highest concentration of microplastics ever discovered in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The alarm was launched by the "Seafloor microplastic hotspots controlled by deep-sea circulation" study, published in Science, according...

Summer 2020, alternative holidays to discover the beautiful paths of Italy

Thinking about the near future and the coveted holidays, in many of us the negative feelings take over and the sense of difficulty in adapting to a new situation...

Lockdown: 11,000 air pollution-related deaths avoided in Europe

The measures to combat the coronavirus have led to an approximately 40% reduction in average level of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution and 10% reduction in average level of particulate...