How to have a soft and perfect beard with natural products
After a historical period of totally depilated faces and bodies, men have rediscovered their long beards. A return in style of the beard has not happened since the 70s,...
Coronavirus, consumers go digital and choose ecofriendly products
Since the start of the lockdown, consumer habits have changed rapidly, e-commerce is confirmed as the main purchase tool, recording a 162% increase in the third week of isolation...
Cingomma, craftsmen of recycling: from bicycle to fashion accessories
Fashion accessories and furnishing accessories produced by recycling bicycle tires, industrial neoprene waste and advertising posters in PVC. This is the mission of Cingomma, a made in Italy company...
Separate collection: how to dispose of bulky waste
Not all waste can be delivered with door-to-door separate collection or at roadside bins. This is the case of bulky waste, a term used to indicate all large objects...
Staycation: a new way to go on vacation in the time of coronavirus
Probably for this year our holidays will not be able to take us many kilometers away from home, but short and medium range movements will be possible. This should...
How to visit Italy by bicycle
The desire for a holiday remains unchanged, whatever the moment when we can start traveling again. It is therefore legitimate to think about what is the best solution to...